Vegan Ganache Bonbons

In this video I want to share with you how I make a plant based Ganache with coconut cream. This Ganache is more liquid than the one I made for my truffles, so I’m pipping them into shelled bonbons. 

You can also use any plant based milk, but I would recommend adding more oil to create a more rich and smoother texture. 

Check out the video:

Basic recipe for Coconut Cream Ganache

- 2/3 cup or 100g dark chocolate

- 1/2 cup or 100g coconut cream

- 1 teaspoon coconut oil

- pinch of salt

How you make it:

  1. Chop dark chocolate as small as possible

  2. Heat non dairy cream or milk

  3. Add coconut oil and salt to chocolate

  4. Pour hot cream over chocolate in three steps

If you want more flavor to your bonbons, I highly recommend to infuse your coconut cream.

I love to infuse cream with tea!

Hot Infusion:

  • 1 teabag for 1/2 cup or 100g hot coconut cream 

  • Let step for 15 min

Cold Infusion

  • 1 teabag for 1/2 cup or 100g coconut cream

  • Let step at least 12 hours in the refrigerator 

Chocolate Bonbon ChocolateSpiel
Chocolate Bonbon ChocolateSpiel
Angela Pfleiderer