Happy Accidents - or a German Butter Party

Usually I don’t bake with a lot of sugar or dairy, but today is different! When I was still working at my old job, I used to bring chocolate or chocolate related goodies that I made at home to work and shared it with my co-workes (the good and the bad stuff :)). 

And this is a product that I’m only bringing and selling to them, because it’s neither gluten-free, nor dairy free. 

These ugly little things are called Happy Accidents, because initially I wanted to make fudge but forgot to buy condensed mild. So I ended up adding stuff that I had at home and that’s and my Happy Accidents is the outcome. Not pretty but delicious. 

Check out the video:

What you’ll need to make Happy Accidents

1. Cookie Crumbles:

  • 200g whole wheat flour

  • 150g rolled oats

  • 50g oat bran

  • 150g sugar

  • 1 tablespoon baking powder

  • 2 tablespoons milk

  • 110g butter

2. Rest:

  • 800g dark chocolate

  • ~700g cookie crumbles

  • 113g butter

  • 150g sugar

How you make the cookies crumbles:

  1. Add flour, oats, bran, sugar and baking powder to a bowl

  2. Caramelize butter

  3. Add to dry ingredients

  4. Mix and add milk. If you want to make whole cookies, add 1 or 2 tablespoons more milk to create a more liquid dough 

  5. Transfer to baking sheet

  6. Bake at 350°F/180°C for 10 min

  7. Turn around

  8. Bake for another 10 min

  9. Let cool down completely 

How to finish Happy Accidents: 

  1. Melt chocolate

  2. Caramelize butter and let cool down

  3. Add caramelized butter and sugar to chocolate 

  4. Stir in

  5. Add cookie crumbles and stir well

  6. Use a teaspoon to transfer mix to parchment paper 

  7. Allow to cool down

Happy Accidents Recipe
Angela Pfleiderer