Vegan Chocolate Pudding


Love chocolate? Try out this super creamy chocolate pudding - I would even go so far as calling it a mousse because it’s so creamy and fluffy. 

Check out the video here:

Here’s what you’ll need for 2 small servings:

  • 1/2cup / 65g chia seeds

  • 2cups / 250ml plant based milk (I used almond milk)

  • 1/3cup / 50g chocolate or 1/2cup / 75g cacao powder

  • 1/8cup / 15g sweetener (I used stevia)

  • pinch of salt

  • toppings: pommegranat, nut butter, cacao nibs, orange peel

How you do it:

1. Whisk together chia seeds, melted chocolate or cacao powder, milk, sweetener and salt

Heads up: if you’re using chocolate, your pudding will seize. That’s not a problem because you’ll mix it with a blender later on.

2. Let set for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator.

3. Blend the mix in a blender until it’s very smooth and creamy. 

4. Transfer pudding into serving bowls, cover and let chill for another 2 hours. 

5. Once your pudding has chilled, add your favorite topping and it’s ready to be served. 

Angela Pfleiderer